Prokofiev: 3rd Piano Concerto


Welcome to Sergei Prokofiev’s 3rd Piano Concerto (1921) - in Russian, Концерт № 3 для фортепиано с оркестром (literally, “Concert No. 3 for piano with orchestra).

I can’t help but include a lot of Prokofiev in this series; if I had to choose, I’d say he’s my favorite composer, and his first three piano concertos are probably three of my favorite pieces of classical music — starting the No. 2, then No. 3, then No. 1. Above, by the way, are some of Prokofiev’s things, atop his desk in the Prokofiev apartment-museum in downtown Moscow — a must-see if you’re into Russian classical music.

The performance here is by a phenomenally gifted young Russian pianist whom I discovered by accident just as the COVID disaster was breaking out — Alexander Malofeev (Александр Малофеев). I was so wowed by this that I’ve probably listened to it twice a week ever since, and sent the link to practically everyone I know. I’ve heard a lot of performances of this piece, but I think he plays it better than anyone else I’ve heard, and his career is just getting started. I suspect that anyone studying Russian now, and planning trips to Russia in the future, can expect (hope) to catch him in concert one day. He has many performances posted to YouTube, many from when he was only 14 or so; I’m sure I’ll be adding others in this blog.


Prokofiev’s 2nd Piano Concerto