Peculiarities of the National Hunt, Winter Period


I love all the movies in this series (which began with Peculairities of the National Hunt, and Peculiarities of National Fishing), but this is probably my favorite. Heck, it’s probably my favorite Russian movie, possibly my favorite movie period. I watch it whenever I’m in a bad mood. It’s certainly got humor, but it’s got a lot of heart too. The screenplay is absolutely brilliant — I’ve watched these films dozens of times, and I swear I notice new things every time I watch them. Almost every line in this film, even those that may at first seem like throw-aways, usually have something going on — there’s not a wasted word in the entire film, and there’s something to laugh or think about in every line. But I think what I like most about it is that it conjures up memories of hanging out with friends in Russia, especially in the dead of winter. I never went on hunting trips or had the adventures of the guys in the movie, but the atmosphere of these films is somehow very familiar and terribly missed!

Again, to watch these movies you’ll need to jump to YouTube.


Peculiarities of National Fishing